Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries.
About DCCM

DCCM Food Pantry is an inter-denominational coalition of 14 area churches that have combined resources to run a centrally located food pantry in the heart of downtown Augusta. We are located at 430 8th St. and are conveniently near several housing complexes and on Route 3 of the Augusta Public Transit system. Our food distributions are held behind our building on the parking lot of St. John United Methodist Church located in the 700 block of Telfair Street across from the Bell Auditorium and next to St. John Tower on the third Saturday each month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m with an additional distribution once per quarter. Both drive-up and walk-up clients are served. DCCM is a partner agency of Golden Harvest Food Bank, where we purchase bulk food at a considerable discount compared to retail grocery stores. We also receive food from Food Lion and Costco.
Since 1978, DCCM has established itself as a consistent, reliable source of food for those in need. In 2022, DCCM distributed nearly 200,000 pounds of food during 2658 family visits representing 5792 individuals. For the families we served, 55% were seniors 55 or over, 24% were children under 18, and the remaining 21% were adults between 18 and 54. About 75% of the families with children also have one or more seniors in the household. We are pleased that we are able to help meet the needs both at-risk children and seniors.
Prior to COVID, DCCM operated as a traditional food pantry, but the pandemic forced us to change from our daily operations to contact-free mobile distributions, which have been well received by our clients.
We have over 40 volunteers who dedicate their time to load groceries, interview clients, pack bags, and distribute food. Without their hard work and generosity, DCCM would not be able to fulfill its mission to feed the hungry in our community.
DCCM’s funding comes from our partner churches, grants from charitable foundations, and generous individuals. We are deeply appreciative of those in the local community who are willing to share their blessings with others. No donation is too small or too big. All contributions are appreciated and will be used to purchase food to feed the hungry in the Augusta area. If you would like to contribute to DCCM, please make checks payable to DCCM and mail them to:
P.O. Box 2482
Augusta, GA 30903
Our Street Address is:
430 8th St
Augusta, GA 30901
Our Mailing Address is:
P.O. Box 2482
Augusta, GA 30903
DCCM is a 501c3 non-profit organization and welcomes donations.
Make checks payable to: